Woman Who Lost More Than 300 lbs Shares Her Inspirational Story In Pictures

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It’s the first day of 2018 and lot of people start the New Year with resolutions.

Truth is changing your habits is not easy as it seems. Whether you are challenging yourself to wake up earlier in the morning, or simply cutting some slack from your busy life, you have to proceed with baby steps.

You can’t run a marathon, if you are not even able to finish one mile!

Working hard everyday, this is how you can keep your resolutions. This is what Lexi Reed from Terre Haute, Indiana, has done.

She lost more than 300 pounds, going from an astonishing weight of 485 lbs on January 1st, 2016 down to 177 lbs in December 2017.

During her amazing weight-loss journey, Lexi has earned almost 500k followers on Instagram (@fatgirlfedup), with many users being inspired by her hard work and determination.

Scroll down to check her journey in pictures!


Love the Sweat. Love the Journey. Love the Victory.



Being Healthy Isn’t About the Weight You Lose, It’s About the Life You Gain

Lexi Reed from Terre Haute


Purpose Is An Incredible Alarm Clock



Set Goals So Big They Laugh. Crush Them While They Watch.



Starting Strong is Good. Finishing Strong is Epic.



Nothing is Impossible. The Word Itself says “I’m Possible”!

Lexi Reed


Show Up in Every Single Moment Like You’re Meant To Be There.

Pic credit


Focus on Your Goal. Don’t Look in Any Direction But Ahead.

Lexi Reed on Instagram


She Believed She Could, So She Did…

Lexi Reed Instagram profile

This is a quote taken from Lexi’s Instagram profile:

Never forget where you started, fall in love with the journey, and to always be proud of how far you’ve come. We all start somewhere, but the most important thing we can do is start. You dont have to be great to start but you do have to start to be great. Start today!

Are you ready to keep your resolutions? Do like Lexi’s and you will accomplish everything you want.

Happy New Year 2018!

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  1. fantastic job. i have lost over 250 but have lots of flab no madder how much exercise for a 71 year old woman. wish i could get it off.