Top Ways to Earn Followers on Instagram

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In our time, it’s hard to come across someone who doesn’t own a social media account. From wanting to keep in touch with family and friends to promoting art or just being there for laughs, everyone has a reason for being involved with social media.

With that being said, having an Instagram account would make no sense if you didn’t have followers. They are the ones engaging with your content, making you feel appreciated.

So, how can you gain even more followers and become a bigger Instagram account? You will find some advice below.


Write Compelling Captions

Sometimes you don’t have the inspiration to write a caption, or you just don’t want to write anything at all. However, a caption is essential if you want people to become interested in the content you post, which is why this aspect requires special attention.

You may think of it as the icing on the cake, because the caption is the one giving your post a context. For example, if you have an art account, you can talk about the meaning behind the piece, or what inspired you to create it in the first place. It’s a sure way to catch people’s attention and keep them interested.


Interaction Connects People

Unless you’re good with only gaining followers through apps or bots such as Upleap or KENJI and calling it quits, you’d be amazed at the power of interaction. Nobody likes being ignored, and beyond that, it’s very disrespectful, especially towards people who are showing you their support.

As such, it’s important to not underestimate the power interaction has over your Instagram following count. You can do so by liking and replying to their comments, as well as going to their profile and engaging with their content as well. It is a bond-forming experience that could offer you some lifetime followers.


Make a Good First Impression

First impressions matter, that’s a fact, and even the first vibe you give off on Instagram is relevant if you want people to follow you. Simply said, you need to have a profile with an interesting description and a nice aesthetic if you want them to smash the follow button.

A boring or empty description is a no-go in this case, as well as posting multiple types of content, like art combined with daily pictures of your outfits. Stick to one type of content and create a compelling bio, so that people will be drawn to you like magnets.

You can add your website in the bio and send users to your content. You want your site to be secure and look good, in order to make a good first impression!


Share Instagram Stories

Instagram has implemented an amazing feature a while ago, which is the option to share stories that are visible for a whole day. You can create a video about yourself or an explainer video about your product or service. It’s a way to show a different part of you, and also an opportunity to make something funny or let people know more about who you are behind your posts. This is a way through which people coming across your profile could become interested, and decide to drop a follow.

Getting Instagram followers is not so hard if you know the right ways to do it. Hopefully, these tips will steer you into the right direction.


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