Best Memes: Most Popular Memes of Last Year

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It is well known that memes are the fuel of modern society. Well, that might not be true, not true at all but, for most of the internet enthusiasts, so to say, memes are more than just pictures – or gifs in some cases – that we watch to have a good laugh.

Nowadays, memes have their own culture. In fact, they are a culture and, like every other culture around the world, some of the things we watch every day have to be better than the other.

Therefore, today’s article will be all about memes – namely, about the best and most popular memes of 2018. Let’s begin!


Crab Rave Meme

Originally a music video that was a part of an April Fools campaign, the Crab Rave meme shows a bunch of crabs raving to a song – named, obviously, Crab Rave -, on a remote island.

It gained popularity in the meme community after a Youtuber posted a snippet of the music video on their Twitter channel – the sound was bass boosted and had the “Obama is Gone” caption. The meme is widely used ironically, with rather sad captions being used, while rave music is blasting in the background.


Surprised Pikachu

Just as its name implies, this meme depicts a surprised Pikachu. The scene originally appeared in season 1, episode 10 of the original Pokémon anime. However, it’s not the picture that makes this meme special.

Above the surprised Pikachu picture, there are usually some lines of text that point out the obvious. For example, the first line would be about someone questioning what would be the outcome of a certain action, with the outcome being as obvious as daylight.

The second line would describe exactly what everyone expected to happen, while the third line prepared the viewer of the meme for the Surprised Pikachu picture, in an ironic manner.


The Disintegration Meme

This meme is based on a scene of the latest Avengers movie. Specifically, it’s all about the moment Thanos snaps the Infinity Gauntlet and things begin to, well, disintegrate.

Disintegration memes usually depict characters in situations that make them disappear, aspect pointed out by the dissolving effect given to the characters/ pictures. This meme is also known as the “I Don’t Feel so Good” meme, referring to what Spiderman said seconds before he started to disappear in the movie.


Pewdiepie vs. T-Series meme

We’re all aware of the battle that’s been going on between the two mentioned above. Pewdiepie is about to be dethroned by the T-Series YouTube channel. Naturally, given the fact that the former has been the most subscribed content creator of the platform since 2013, the whole situation couldn’t escape the memes, so to say.

In this respect, more than a handful of memes depicting the war between the two have been made. With just a quick search of hashtags on Instagram, you can come across hundreds of memes that tackle this situation!


The Bottom Line

Keep in mind that 2018 was a long year and that there are more than enough memes that could be considered the best. Still, the ones we mentioned are among the most popular ones, being the most-liked by the meme community as well.

If you ever come up with a meme that’s worth seeing, be sure to make use of – you can share content from all of the platforms you use with just one simple link!

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